Pick and choose your credits! This bundle will include 24 hours of Tax Law, 3 hours of federal tax updates, and 2 hours of ethics.
• Tax Updates (3U) (2024 updates Coming soon)
• Adjustments to Income (1T)
• Compiling Taxpayer Information (2T)
• Ethics and Preparer Penalties (2E)
• Electronic Filing (1T)
• Extensions & Amendments (1T)
• Filing Status, Dependents, and Deductions (2T)
• Income (4T)
• Itemized Deductions (2T)
• Other Taxes and Taxpayer Penalties (2T)
• Schedule C (2T)
• Schedule E and Capital Gains and Losses (2T)
• Schedule F and Depreciation (2T)
• Tax Credits and Payments (3T)

Self Study
Learn at your own pace, read or watch the lessons, pass the exams.
Mobile Friendly
Learn on your phone, tablet, or computer.
All our courses are available in English y español.
Career Paths
No matter where you’re at in your career, we have courses for you.
Simple Learner Experiences
Prendo365 gives you access to your course anytime, anywhere, on desktop, tablet, or mobile device. You're able to easily navigate through your course and receive your certificate of completion.
Why choose us
Over 35+ years tax preparation experience
We know what tax preparers need to succeed in their office
7+ EA’s and tax preparers on staff
Our team does extensive research to ensure you receive the best education
Bilingual live support
Having technical issues? We're ready to help you get started and complete your course.