Earn Education Credits
Self-Study Courses
Certificates are earned when all exams are completed with a passing score. Please read the course description for full details when logged into Prendo365.com.
Courses must be completed by the deadline listed in the course description.
Certificates will be available in your account as soon as the course is completed.
CE credits will be reported within 7 business days from the completion date.
If you need to update your PTIN or CTEC information, email us at edsupport@latinotaxpro.com.
Live In-Person Classes
Level I & Level II Corporations & Partnership, Live 20 Hour, Live 60 Hour
Attendees must sign in each day to be counted as attended.
Latino Tax Pro will verify attendance and award a certificate within 7 business days of last class date. Certificates will be available in attendees' Prendo365.com accounts, and a notification of completion will be emailed.
CE credits will be reported to the provided PTIN or CTEC within 7 business days.
If you do not attend all days, only partial credit will be awarded. Signing in each day is required.