Organizational Skills

Organizational Skills
Organizational Skills

Good organizational skills can prove beneficial in any area of your life. Organization can increase a persons general productivity, project management, and can even affect their memory and retention skills. These skills are not acquired overnight, it will take a lot of practice and patience. But with a little guidance and the right tools, anyone can learn how to stop hunting for missing things and become better organized.

Meeting Management

Meeting Management
Meeting Management
This training course is designed to give you the basic tools you will need to initiate and manage your meetings. You will learn planning and leadership techniques that will give you the confidence to run an engaging meeting that will leave a positive and lasting impression. 

Administrative Office Procedure

Administrative Office Procedure
Administrative Office Procedure

Administrative office procedures may not be glamorous, but they are essential to the success of any enterprise. A well-run office reduces miscommunication and helps to eliminate common errors. By making the administrative office a priority, you will establish clear policies and procedures with employee understanding and buy-in, which will ensure a smooth running work environment.

Accountability in the Workplace

Accountability in the Workplace
Accountability in the Workplace

This course will provide you with informative tools and practical strategies that can be used to help empower the team to work toward achieving the benefits of accountability. Accountable employees will fuel performance and productivity, and generate an enhanced workplace.

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Ten Soft Skills You Need

Ten Soft Skills You Need
Ten Soft Skills You Need

With our Ten Soft Skills You Need workshop participants will begin to see how important it is to develop a core set of soft skills. By managing and looking at the way people interact and seeing things in a new light, your participants will improve on almost every aspect of their career.

Personal Branding

Personal Branding
Personal Branding

In the information age, personal branding is necessary for the success of any company or individual. Failing to manage personal branding can lead to misinformation about you or your company becoming public. Taking control of your public image is no longer an option. Identifying and using the tools that affect personal branding correctly will ensure that the public sees the image you want them to see. A positive brand is necessary for success.

Negotiation Skills

Negotiation Skills
Negotiation Skills

This workshop will give participants an understanding of the phases of negotiation, tools to use during a negotiation, and ways to build win-win solutions for all those involved.

Leadership Development for Women

Leadership Development for Women
Leadership Development for Women

The Leadership Development for Women course will provide participants with the tools to navigate challenges, gain confidence to lead, and motivate future generations. Additionally, participants will gain knowledge on the value of networking and mentoring for inspiring others to recognize their full potential as leaders. By empowering women leaders, we are not only creating a more equitable society, but we are also uncovering capabilities that will help to fuel business growth and innovation.

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Workplace Harassment

Workplace Harassment
Workplace Harassment

This course will give you the tools necessary to recognize harassment in the workplace as well as understand your rights and responsibilities under the law. It will also touch on safety in the workplace, which is, in and of itself, important in any organization.



This course will help teach participants healthy ways to express their anger, identify anger triggers, as well as techniques to de-escalate an angry individual. It is not always possible to eliminate the things that enrage you. What is possible however, is learning how to gain control and manage your anger effectively.

Millennial Onboarding

Millennial Onboarding
Millennial Onboarding

Millennials Ð those born between 1981 and 1997 Ð make up about 40% of the workforce in the United States. These workers bring a unique outlook to their jobs, and may also pose unique challenges. Taking time to customize the onboarding process for millennial employees helps promote employee retention and ensures that millennials are properly integrated into the workplace. Customizing the onboarding process for millennial employees benefits the employee and the workplace.

Measuring Results From Training

Measuring Results From Training
Measuring Results From Training

Welcome to the Measuring Results with Training workshop. Although we all know that training can have many amazing benefits, sometimes it can be hard to prove those benefits and attach a dollar value to training. Some topics, like sales training or time management, might have direct, tangible benefits. Other topics, like communication or leadership, might have benefits that you canÕt put a dollar value on. In this course, we will learn about the different ways to evaluate training progress, and how to use those results to demonstrate the results that training brings.

Hiring Strategies

Hiring Strategies
Hiring Strategies

Even the most experienced managers and human resources personnel can still have difficulty finding and hiring the perfect candidate for an open position. It can be difficult to determine if they will be right for the job or work well with the rest of the team. By learning how to utilize the information we have to find the best candidates and reviewing not only the job requirements, but the candidateÕs attributes, you can hire the best people for your company.

Employee Termination Processes

Employee Termination Processes
Employee Termination Processes

Having to fire an employee is never an easy task. Sometimes, despite attempts of open communication and encouraging performance, an employee will need to be terminated from the company. One of the hardest aspects of preparing to fire an employee is to separate the emotions from the facts. Firing an employee should always be a last resort, so it is important that the manager has covered all other avenues possible before moving forward.

Employee Recruitment

Employee Recruitment
Employee Recruitment

Your employees are a vital part of the success of your business. Finding the best employees for each position requires strong recruitment strategies. Top talent will not always find you. You must seek out people to fill the positions that you have open. Recruiting the most qualified candidates will ensure that your employees keep your company running smoothly.

Employee Onboarding

Employee Onboarding
Employee Onboarding

Employee onboarding is essential to retaining top talent. An onboarding program does more than help orient new employees. It shapes how new employees relate to their organization. Implementing an employee onboarding program will shape the company culture while developing a highly qualified pool of talent.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The world is diverse; it is made up of people who have different backgrounds, traditions, and beliefs. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) creates a culture where every individual is acknowledged and supported, regardless of their differing background. It helps us to recognize the value in diverse voices, as well as other individual differences, such as gender, race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Ultimately, a diverse workplace will lead to better innovation and success. Through inclusive language and leadership, everyone is encouraged to evolve both personally and professionally.

Business Succession Planning

Business Succession Planning
Business Succession Planning
Whether it is preparing someone to take over as the sole proprietor of a small business or a position of leadership in a corporation, business succession planning is essential to the long-term survival of a company. This course will teach you the difference between succession planning and mere replacement planning and how to prepare people to take on the responsibilities of leadership so that the company thrives in the transition. 
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Stress Management

Stress Management
Stress Management

Welcome to the Stress Management workshop. Positive and negative stress is a constant influence on all of our lives. The trick is to maximize the positive stress and to minimize the negative stress. This workshop will give participants a three-option method for addressing any stressful situation, as well as a toolbox of personal skills, including using routines, relaxation techniques, and a stress log system.

Managing Personal Finances

Managing Personal Finances
Managing Personal Finances

For many people, finances are an unsolvable Rubik's cube filled with anxiety. There are millions of Americans who live with the shackles of debt each day. We donÕt teach children when they are young, the value of a good credit score. Many people have a hard time formatting and sticking to a budget. You can easily solve the finance puzzle with a little hard work, self-control, and the right tools. Today is a new day; you are taking the first steps to reclaiming your financial freedom.

Goal Setting and Getting Things Done

Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
Goal Setting and Getting Things Done

Our Goal Setting and Getting Things Done course will cover strategies to help participants deal with distractions and overcome procrastination. These skills will translate into increased satisfaction in professional and personal lives. Participants will learn the Goal Setting characteristics of successful people and in turn will become happier and more productive individuals.

Being A Likeable Boss

Being A Likeable Boss
Being A Likeable Boss

While many who enter into management and leadership roles want to be genuinely liked by the workers they supervise, seeking popularity for its own sake can be a dead-end path. Many have tried to lead while seeking popularity only to find that, indeed, they are loved but not respected. Becoming a more likeable boss however does not mean you have to sacrifice respect. Being a likeable boss and a respected boss does mean you have to learn to be more effective. This course helps you take the first steps of what will be a continuous journey towards becoming a more effective boss, the side effects of which are both likeability and respect.

Anger Management

Anger Management
Anger Management

This course will help teach participants healthy ways to express their anger, identify anger triggers, as well as techniques to de-escalate an angry individual. It is not always possible to eliminate the things that enrage you. What is possible however, is learning how to gain control and manage your anger effectively.

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Trade Show Staff Training

Trade Show Staff Training
Trade Show Staff Training

Being a part of a trade show can be a wise investment for any company. But preparation is important because it can Ômake or breakÕ how well you succeed during the show. Employees must realize that they are acting as a representative for the company and should be knowledgeable of its products and services. Preparing your staff for the trade show is a big job, so get started early!

Internet Marketing Fundamentals

Internet Marketing Fundamentals
Internet Marketing Fundamentals

The internet has forever changed the way that people shop and conduct business. Even experienced marketing professionals need help navigating the pitfalls of internet marketing. Integrating the marketing techniques with modern technology is essential for every business. With the appropriate skills, both companies and individuals will be able to create successful internet marketing techniques.

Marketing Basics

Marketing Basics
Marketing Basics

Thanks to the rise of technology and social media, the world of marketing and advertising has become bigger than ever. Marketing has gone beyond the classic printed ads, billboards or even television commercials. Unfortunately, this can cause any company to become confused or even intimidated about getting their product or service out into the market. But if we can learn the right strategies with the right tools, we can break into the marketing world without fear or hesitation.

Sales Fundamentals

Sales Fundamentals
Sales Fundamentals

This workshop will give participants a basic sales process, plus some basic sales tools, that they can use to seal the deal, no matter what the size of the sale.

Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills
Presentation Skills

Welcome to the Presentation Skills workshop. This program can benefit anyone who presents; a trainer, a meeting facilitator, speaker, or seminar discussion leader. No matter which role you are assuming, this workshop will help you become more efficient and proficient with the skills of providing information to others.

Overcoming Sales Objections

Overcoming Sales Objections
Overcoming Sales Objections

Everyone who works in sales will run into sales objections. From retail employees on the sales floor to sales executives, people at every level of the business need to learn how to overcome sales objections. With the right training, it is possible to turn objections into opportunities. Investing in sales objection training will help improve sales and the company's bottom line.

Motivating Your Sales Team

Motivating Your Sales Team
Motivating Your Sales Team

Sales can be a tough job, and it can be hard to keep your sales team motivated to pursue leads and close deals day after day. Rejection is sometimes part of the job in sales, and that can make some days more difficult than others. Developing a solid set of strategies for motivating your sales team will not only increase your bottom line, but will increase team member satisfaction and retention. Taking the time to figure out how best to prepare and motivate your sales team is one of the best investments you can make in your organization.

Event Planning

Event Planning
Event Planning

Creating an event is no small feat. It takes planning and understanding of the process. When planning an event, there are a multitude of tasks to consider. In this guide we will explore together how to effectively plan and produce an event.

Coaching Salespeople

Coaching Salespeople
Coaching Salespeople

Coaching is not just for athletes. More and more organizations are choosing to include coaching as part of their instruction. Coaching salespeople, when done correctly, will not only increase sales, it will have a positive impact on the community and culture of a company. The benefits of coaching salespeople are numerous and worth exploring.

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Supervising Others

Supervising Others
Supervising Others

Supervising others can be a tough job. Between managing your own time and projects, helping your team members solve problems and complete tasks, and helping other supervisors, your day can fill up before you know it. This workshop will help supervisors become more efficient. They will also become more proficient with delegating, managing time, setting goals and expectations (for themselves and others), providing feedback, resolving conflict, and administering discipline.

Leadership And Influence

Leadership And Influence
Leadership And Influence

Welcome to the Leadership and Influence workshop! They say that leaders are born, not made. While it is true that some people are born leaders, some leaders are born in the midst of adversity. Often, simple people who have never had a leadership role will stand up and take the lead when a situation they care about requires it. A simple example is parenting. When a child arrives, many parents discover leadership abilities they never knew existed in order to guide and protect their offspring. There are countless war stories of simple GIÕs and sailors who rose to a challenge on their own in the heat of battle.

Conducting Annual Employee Reviews

Conducting Annual Employee Reviews
Conducting Annual Employee Reviews

Any great boss will tell you that employee reviews are a cornerstone for having happy and productive employees. Employees need to know what their strengths and weaknesses are. Once an employee understands their performance, you and the employee can take steps to improve their weaknesses.

Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership
Servant Leadership

Servant leadership may seem like a contradicting term, but it is becoming a very popular tool in many businesses. Servant leadership is a philosophy that involves focusing on the success of others (i.e., your employees), and in turn building better professional relationships that can benefit both manager and employee. Servant leadership shows that managers can be great leaders while boosting their employeeÕs confidence and furthering their success at the same time.

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