Adding insurance services to your tax businesses can be an easy way to make more money. Check it out.

Contact us at: coveredca.com
Covered California is where Californians can get brand-name health insurance under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. CoveredCA.com is sponsored by Covered California and the Department of Health Care Services, which work together to help health insurance shoppers get the coverage and care that are right for them.

Contact us at: smartiagency.com
Somos una agencia de seguros líder en el mercado hispano del Midwest. Tenemos 12 años sirviendo a la comunidad en sus necesidades de seguros comercialesTodo tipo de polizas comerciales, incluyendo General Liability, Workers Compesation, Auto comercial y Umbrella. Asesoria en tramites como la creación del negocio, tramites con el estado, condado y con el departamento de Labor.

Contact us at: fiestafranchise.com
When it comes to insurance and tax services, the Latino community is often taken advantage of in the U.S. At Fiesta, we celebrate our connection to the Latino community – offering our neighbors the friendly, trustworthy service they deserve. And that’s why they keep coming back. Through its commitment to quality services and customer satisfaction, Fiesta Auto Insurance & Tax Services has become a trusted and reputable brand in the industry. Our franchise owners benefit from the company’s well-established reputation and track record of success.
Company Contact:
Christian Torres
(714) 951-1929