It’s surprising how easy it is to lose sight of the important things in life. Busy schedules and weekly routines have a tendency to put the brain on autopilot.
Some of life’s essential truths need repeating. Keep this list handy and give it a read any time you need a boost.
We’re done with the Golden Globes and the Oscars but an entirely different kind of actor is still lurking around: scammers who pretend to be someone they’re not. Sometimes it seems we’re afloat in a sea of imposters who are trying to cheat you by pretending to be from legitimate organizations. Imposter scams play on your emotions. Here are the top ten imposter scams you told us about last year.
For years, we’ve been hearing about lottery scams: the imposter who convinces you that you’ve won the lottery (you didn’t) – and all you have to do is pay some fees to collect your millions (you won’t). And for years, we’ve been hearing about lottery scams that originate in Jamaica, where telemarketing lottery scams became a cottage industry in some parts of the island.
Many people who take out payday loans have trouble paying them off quickly. A recent FTC case shows how dishonest companies can take advantage of people who can’t make their payments, while fees and interest costs grow.
One of the things I'm truly exceptional at in my business is generating an ongoing stream of steady leads making it much easier to fill my programs, sell my products, and ensure I get to work with a wonderful group of amazing clients. Creating a great string of leads for their business is also one of the biggest challenges my clients face, and one I want to help you solve if you struggle with it as well in this post.
Businesses in America and worldwide have become increasingly adept at increasing productivity, improving margins, and making money.But what about our happiness at work? Alarming statistics have between 70-80% of employees actively disengaged at work.
Nearly everyone is affected by the Affordable Care Act and will need to do something new when filing their taxes this year. The following chart will help you better understand how the health care law affects you and everyone on your return.
On November 20, 2014 President Obama announced an executive action on immigration which could extend relief from deportation to an estimated 5 million undocumented immigrants.
There's no reason to pay more tax than is legally required, but there’s also no reason to make yourself a target for an Internal Revenue Service audit or to get your return flagged by the IRS' computers, which match billions of documents each year. So consider what situations might make you more likely to invite government scrutiny at tax time.
We’ve learned of a phony “delivery failure notification” email making the rounds. It looks like it’s from the U.S. Postal Service — but it’s not. The email says you missed a delivery. But, it says, if you print the attached form and take it to your local post office, you can pick up your package and avoid penalties. The message might also include a link for more details.
Many people covered under President Barack Obama's health care law will face higher premiums next year, the administration acknowledged Thursday. While the average increases are modest, it's more fodder for the nation's political battles over health care.