Most of us are social creatures, and as social creatures we tend to perform better when we are a part of something; either a group, community, or any other social circles. Connecting with like-minded people to discuss and exchange ideas can be very beneficial to all parties involved. We live in a cyber world, little by little every industry is moving over to the digital realm, in 2016 88% of the U.S population used the internet, that’s over 286 million people! Here are five reasons to join an online community.
Todo parece indicar que cada vez que uno se conecta a las noticias escucha muchas palabras de moda en el aire como Cryptocurrencies, Coinbase, Bitcoins, Ripple, y Ethereum. También parece que nadie explica lo que significan, la forma en que criptos se comparan al dinero en efectivo, la forma en que trabajan, cómo se invierte y lo más importante, la forma en que se usan en nuestra vida diaria. Aquí en Latino Tax Pro, nos mantenemos a la vanguardia de todo lo relacionado a la vida tributaria, regístrese para recibir nuestro boletín de información y no se pierda los temas más importantes para usted y su empresa.
It seems that every time you turn on the news you hear a lot of buzz words such as: Cryptocurrencies, Coinbase, Bitcoins, Ripple, and Ethereum getting thrown around a lot. No one ever seems to explain what they are, how do cryptos compare to cash, how they work, how to invest, and most importantly how to use them in our every day life. Here at Latino Tax Pro, we stay on top of everything tax related, make sure to sign up for our newsletter, so you don’t miss out on important topics that matter to you and your business.
The IRS mails millions of letters to taxpayers every year for many reasons. Here are seven simple suggestions on how individuals can handle a letter or notice from the IRS:
Preparers are a special target for cybercriminals, a security expert told tax professionals during a recent webinar on cyber-security.
“You have to do what you have to do to protect your business,” host Jake Solis, co-CEO of the IT consultancy 1+1 Technology, said during the webinar, “Cyber Security Breach Prevention and Response,” which was presented by the Latino Tax Professionals Association.
You need to file two tax returns. One for the federal government on form 1040 and the other one for the Virgin Islands. You will not be able to file your U.S. Virgin Islands return electronically. You will be able to file your Federal return electronically.
Small business is a vital part of the American economy, bringing in more than 50 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product and creating about half of all private-sector employment. However, they are forced to deal with a complicated tax code that has many laws that can negatively impact their productivity.
I recently sat down with Tony Martinez and Carlos Lopez from the Latino Tax Professionals Association. They gave me a lot of great tips for business owners about preparing taxes. Keep reading for more on common mistakes, tips for tax season, and access to a small business packet to get you started.