The Secretary of Homeland Security may designate a foreign country for TPS due to conditions in the country that temporarily prevent the country's nationals from returning safely, or in certain circumstances, where the country is unable to handle the return of its nationals adequately. USCIS may grant TPS to eligible nationals of certain countries who are already in the United States.
There's an urban myth in the restaurant business that goes something like this: “I collect sales tax, therefore it’s OK to use it from time to time to run my business.” However, this line of thinking, to be blunt, is very flawed. Merchants who use sales tax as working capital rarely take time to understand the true cost and potentially catastrophic legal pitfalls until it’s too late. Merchants may be wondering, why isn’t it OK to use sales tax to operate the business until it’s time to remit that money to the state?
¿Qué es un webinario? Aunque esta palabra (ni webinar) todavía no es reconocida en el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAL), en el ámbito de la tecnología bilingüe se usa extensamente. Por otro lado, siguiendo la versión en inglés, no damos cuenta que define webinar como un seminario que se transmite por la internet. Un seminario, entonces, es un método en que se “adiestra…en la investigación o en la práxtica de alguna disciplina[1]”. Esencialmente, un webinario (webinar) es el fórum más avanzado de interacción humana con propósitos educativos o charlas.
What is a webinar? According to the definition of a webinar is a seminar conducted over the internet. A seminar is a conference or other meeting for discussion or training. So, in essence, webinars are the most advanced form of human interactions for teaching and lecturing.
According to the IRS, virtual currencies are treated as property for U.S. federal tax purposes. This means that a taxpayer may have a taxable gain if the virtual currency exceeds a taxpayer’s adjusted basis.
Grow your business, get organized and save time, all while automating your tax office. Thanks to technology and tools, you can now do more than you ever could before.
Como propietario único, cada minuto y cada dólar importa. Lo último que necesita es pagar más impuestos de lo que debe. No importa el tamaño de su negocio yo siempre recomiendo que se incorpore para proteger sus activos personales. No arriesgue perder su casa por un problema en su negocio.
As a solopreneur, every minute and every dollar matter. The last thing you need is to pay more tax than you have to. No matter the size of your business, consider incorporating to protect your personal assets. Don’t risk losing your home over a business mishap.
In the tax industry we deal with a lot of personal information such as; social security numbers, credit card numbers, personal information of our kids, and much more. What if someone hacked into your office database and gained access to all your client’s information. What would you do? Most likely you will call your I.T. department.
Marketing, the process in which a good or service goes from an idea, to a product or service, and to the end customer. In marketing there are four pillars, known as the four P’s of marketing; product, price, place, and promotion. A business can have a great product, but without marketing, how are people going to find out about the product or service, and ultimately how are they going to purchase. Marketing is the heart of any business, market your product properly and favorable results are likely to happen.
Not all cryptocurrencies (cryptos) are the same, as of January 7, 2018 there are roughly 1,384 different cryptos in circulation in the global market. What makes them different from each other, how do they work, what is the blockchain, and are they safe? Continue reading to learn more about cryptos and how they are revolutionizing the way we think about finance.
Los humanos somos sociales por naturaleza, y como creaturas sociales tenemos la tendencia a funcionar mejor cuando somos parte de algo; ya sea un grupo, comunidad o cualquier otro círculo social. Conectarse con gente con inquietudes similares para conversar e intercambiar ideas puede ser benéfico para todas las partes envueltas. Actualmente, vivimos en un mundo virtual, poco a poco las industrias se movilizan hacia una esfera digital. En 2016, 88% de la población estadounidense usó la internet. ¡Esto significa más de 286 millones de personas! En este artículo le presentamos cinco razones para involucrase en una comunidad en los medios sociales.