Debido a que los residentes y extranjeros no residentes están sujetos a impuestos en forma diferente, es importante entender la diferencia. Usted es considerado un extranjero no residente por cualquier período en que no es ciudadano de EE.UU. ni extranjero residente para propósitos tributarios. Usted es considerado un extranjero residente por un año regular si usted cumple con la prueba de la tarjeta verde o la prueba de presencia sustancial para dicho año. Esta es una lista de preguntas frecuentes que recibimos a menudo cuando discutimos este tema.
Because residents and nonresident aliens are taxed differently, it's important to understand the difference. You're considered a nonresident alien for any period that you're neither a U.S. citizen nor a resident alien for tax purposes. You're considered a resident alien for a calendar year if you meet the green card test or the substantial presence test for the year. This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions we often receive when discussing this topic.
Hay mucha confusión y ruido sobre la nueva deducción del 20% para los dueños de pequeñas empresas. ¿Quién califica para la deducción? ¿Cómo funciona? ¿Cuándo lo tomas? Hay muchas variaciones y condiciones en las declaraciones sobre esta nueva ley. Antes de profundizar en el asunto, hay que comprender cómo esta nueva deducción se aplica a la entidad comercial más común: el Anexo C para propietarios únicos.
There’s a lot of confusion and buzz around the new 20% deduction for small business owners. Who does it apply to? How does it work? When do you take it? There are many variables and conditional statements within this new law. Before we get too deep into it, let’s start by understanding how this new deduction applies to the most common business entity: Schedule C - Sole Proprietor.
Tax season is the perfect time to spotlight the importance of including college savings as part of an overall savings strategy, and why ScholarShare 529, the California college savings plan, is the ideal program.
Wages paid to nonresident aliens employed within the United States by an American or foreign employer, in general, are subject to Social Security/Medicare taxes for services performed by them within the United States, with certain exceptions based on their nonimmigrant status. This article discusses which classes of nonimmigrants and nonresident aliens are exempt from U.S. Social Security and Medicare taxes.
As you know, when your clients keep their financial records and tax filings in order and on-time, it can save them (and you) lot of time and spare them from headaches. To make sure that this New Year is indeed a happy one, your clients should also be aware of the ongoing compliance requirements they need to fulfill if their company is registered as an LLC or a corporation.
You already serve your customers by handling their personal tax needs. But many of your customers are probably small business owners. Strengthen sales and client relationships by also filing their business returns, including W-2 and 1099 forms.
The Internal Revenue Service issued Revenue Procedure 2019-08 today to provide guidance on deducting expenses under Section 179(a) and on deducting depreciation under Section 168(g). These rules, as amended by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in December 2017, generally apply to tax years beginning after 2017.
The IRS worked with the tax preparation community to reach agreement on an alternative that will meet tax practitioners’ needs in e-filing individual tax returns while also enhancing safeguards for taxpayer data.
As an accountant or bookkeeper, you may have noticed that the market for accounting services is changing. Individuals and businesses have a lot of new options for automating their bookkeeping and handling financial functions in-house. Inexpensive, easy-to-use applications help users with everything from bookkeeping and tax preparation to budgeting and spending analyses. These tools can be invaluable for small business owners and freelancers operating on a shoestring budget, and their popularity demonstrates just how many people want to do their own bookkeeping.