WASHINGTON — El Servicio de Impuestos Internos instó hoy a los contribuyentes a presentar a tiempo una declaración de impuestos precisa, incluso si adeudan, pero no pueden pagar la totalidad. El IRS también recomienda que los contribuyentes realicen una revisión de su cheque de pago a principios de 2019 para evitar que se les retengan demasiados o muy pocos impuestos.
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today urged taxpayers to file an accurate tax return on time, even if they owe but can’t pay in full. The IRS also recommends that taxpayers do a Paycheck Checkup early in 2019 to avoid having too much or too little tax withheld. Most taxpayers are being affected by major tax law changes. While most will get a tax refund, others may find that they owe taxes. Those who owe may qualify for a waiver of the estimated tax penalty that normally applies.
Cuando decide empezar mi propio negocio no les voy a mentir... no tenía la menor idea como empezar. Pasé los primeros 8 años de mi carrera trabajando para firmas de contabilidad aquí en Houston, Tejas y aprendí unas habilidades técnicas. Algo que aprendí es que unas de las empresas tenían buenos sistemas y procesos en marcha y otras no. Esto me permitió ver varias formas diferentes de como estas empresas funcionaban y me dio una buena idea de cómo quería correr mi empresa.
The average fee for preparing a 1040 income tax return is $273 nationwide. You may be charging slightly more than this right now. However, the average fee that a tax resolution client pays you is $5,000 and up. Resolving tax problems earns double to triple your current hourly rates because you can easily employ value, fixed fee pricing for this work. But, that’s only part of the good news. During tax season one client usually means one tax return, one fee. The season is short and then you’re back hustling for business. When you are a tax problem resolution practitioner, you’ll have profits and cash flow year round.
WASHINGTON — El Servicio de Impuestos Internos anunció hoy los resultados de una campaña nacional de ejecución y educación de dos semanas para combatir los delitos de reembolsos y el robo de identidad que dio lugar a numerosas acciones legales contra presuntos delincuentes y empresas que cometieron estos delitos.
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today announced the results of a national two-week enforcement and education campaign to combat refund crimes and identity theft that resulted in numerous legal actions against suspected criminals and businesses committing these crimes.
By its very nature, compliance work is deadline driven. Because of this, tax professionals working with Schedule C clients face a similar challenge: traditionally, as much as 65% of revenue can be booked within the first four months of the year. That also means 65-70% of workload is within those first four to five months.
The overarching problem business owners experience with their accountants is that they lack the services needed to answer their basic operational questions and run their businesses effectively. Clients deserve the information needed to make intelligent financial decisions, but it requires you to understand, believe, and implement a specific tangible idea.
With tax filing season here and the federal tax code changes in place for over a year, you may have discussed the potential tax advantages of S Corporation election with some of your clients. For some, the pass-through tax treatment and 20 percent deduction on qualified business income might provide significant savings. If you have business clients who would benefit from being taxed as an S Corp in 2019, now is the time for action! The S Corp election filing deadline for existing LLCs and corporations is fast approaching.
Debido a que los residentes y extranjeros no residentes están sujetos a impuestos en forma diferente, es importante entender la diferencia. Usted es considerado un extranjero no residente por cualquier período en que no es ciudadano de EE.UU. ni extranjero residente para propósitos tributarios. Usted es considerado un extranjero residente por un año regular si usted cumple con la prueba de la tarjeta verde o la prueba de presencia sustancial para dicho año. Esta es una lista de preguntas frecuentes que recibimos a menudo cuando discutimos este tema.