Tax News

  • 5 Key Uses of Excel in the Work Place

    Microsoft Excel is perhaps the most important computer software program used in the workplace today. That's why so many workers and prospective employees are required to learn Excel in order to enter or remain in the workplace.
  • Top 10 Tips about Tax Breaks for the Military

    If you are in the U. S. Armed Forces, special tax breaks may apply to you. For example, some types of pay are not taxable. Certain rules apply to deductions or credits that you may be able to claim that can lower your tax. In some cases, you may get more time to file your tax return. 
  • Giving back To Veterans: 10 Tax-Deductible Charities to say ‘Thanks’

    Around Veterans Day, many people choose to show their appreciation by giving a donation. Maybe they don’t have the time to volunteer or they would prefer to give money AND volunteer. Whatever the reason, the holiday is a huge reason many people donate to organization that give back to those who give their lives for American freedom.
  • 11 Tweaks to Your Daily Routine Will Make Your Day More Productive

    Whether you naturally wake up feeling alert and productive or wake up with the brainpower of a zombie, these tips will help you transform your morning routine and set a positive tone that lasts the entire day.
  • 10 Easy End of Year Tax Tips to Increase Your Tax Refund

    It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is already upon us and the year will be coming to a close soon.

    I know you would rather start preparing for the holidays, but this is a great time to make some end of season tax moves to help lower your tax bill and increase your tax refund come tax time since once the year ends so do most of your opportunities to reduce your taxes.

  • Tips on Becoming a Better Instructor

    Becoming a Better Instructor

  • Make a Wise Choice when Selecting a Tax Preparer

    While there is still time before the next tax filing season, choosing a return preparer now allows more time for taxpayers to consider appropriate options and to find and talk with prospective tax preparers rather than during tax season when they’re most busy. Furthermore, it enables taxpayers to do some wise tax planning for the rest of the year. If a taxpayer prefers to pay someone to prepare their return, the Internal Revenue Service encourages them to choose that person wisely as the taxpayer is legally responsible for all the information included on the return.

    We are the experts in tax preparation and specific

    services for Hispanics in the United States.

  • Dealing With Your Mother-In-Law (And Your Parents): When Seniors Become Dependents

    The financial implications of taking care of children and parents can be tough to sort out. On the tax side, a number of tax breaks – including the personal exemption amounts – depend on whether you can claim a person you support as your dependent. Generally, for U.S. tax purposes, a dependent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. resident alien, U.S. national, or a resident of Canada or Mexico (some exceptions apply for adopted children); have a valid tax ID number; and be either your qualifying child or your qualifying relative.
  • 11 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self About Taxes

    Deadlines are important. Accuracy is important. But don’t let those things drive you crazy. When you can’t find your receipts as Tax Day creeps closer, the temptation is to go straight into meltdown mode. Don’t. Panicking doesn’t help and usually just makes it worse – that’s when you make bad decisions. Whenever you are tempted to panic because you owe a lot, you’ve missed a deadline (or many, many deadlines), you can’t find your tax records, whatever… slow down. Don’t ignore the problem (open your mail). Buy some extra time with an extension.Pay what you can. Get some help.
  • 3 Ways to Become a More Effective Learner

    We may graduate from school, but we never stop learning. New jobs, new roles, new relationships: all require the acquisition of new knowledge. To stop learning is to stop improving.
  • Review Your Health Coverage Exemption Options

    The individual shared responsibility provision requires you, your spouse, and your dependents to have qualifying health insurance for the entire year, report a health coverage exemption, or make a shared responsibility payment when you file.  If you are applying for an exemption from the Marketplace, you should prepare early by reviewing your options and determining if you are eligible for an exemption from the requirement to have coverage.