The single most important focus of your Latino-owned business is to deliver an amazing experience for your customer. That’s it. There is nothing else more important than making sure every memory of you by your customer is one of delight.
Every entrepreneur wants to get more out of his or her day. Unfortunately, willpower starts depleting, and will only take you so far. Trying to cram more into an already busy schedule is just going to make you less productive in the long run.
Being Mexican American is tough. Anglos jump all over you if you don’t speak English perfectly. Mexicans jump all over you if you don’t speak Spanish perfectly. Fitting in with American culture is one thing. But the pressure to stay a true Latino — speaking fluent Spanish often being the main criteria — has seemingly created a rift among Latinos in America. This rift, lately, has manifested itself in the idea of not being Latino enough.
This can be as simple as getting coffee for a co-worker or spending 10 minutes in a casual conversation not about work…just making someone else feel good. Smile when you get to the office. Offer to help someone on a different team who needs an extra hand. Engage with everyone around you. It results in positive energy for you.
The main focus of Rightway Tax Solutions (RWTS) is providing year around, bi-lingual, unparalleled, tax office support. In addition, they are committed to helping tax offices grow their bottom line. RWTS believes that tax offices are being taken advantage of with the year over year increasing costs of software and bank product pricing! RWTS primary commitment is to put more money in the bank account of the tax offices by offering lower priced bank products and rebate incentives. They do business the RightWay and invite you to ask their existing affiliates if you have any doubts.
According to a recent Oracle study, 81 percent of Twitter users expect brands to respond to their questions or complaints the same day they tweet. But what happens when brands don’t pay attention to what’s being said about their products and services online?
SiempreTax+® is the fast-growing newcomer in TAX PREPARATION
backed by a powerhouse – Liberty Tax Service. SiempreTax+® broke records in its first year and, with 53 million potential customers, the future looks bright. Studies show that 74% of Hispanic taxpayers in the U.S. seek professional tax advice. SiempreTax+® understands the Hispanic market and offers a wide range of solutions that will bring Spanish-speaking clients to your doors.
Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America, with the Federal Trade Commission estimating as many as 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. And tax refund fraud—filing a tax return in the name of a victim to collect a tax refund—was the most common form of identity theft for the past five years.
When one of your clients receives a letter or e-file rejection from the IRS telling them a tax return has been filed with their social security number — and they have not yet filed — it is a frustrating and frightening experience. They face the prospect of a long-delayed refund and, more frightening, a thief has their social security number so their identity in other areas is in jeopardy. As their tax practitioner, you play a valuable role in helping your client regain their tax identity, and can also assist them with an overall identity protection plan.
On September 16th, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) published final Forms 1094-B and 1095-B, Forms 1094-C and 1095-C, and corresponding form instructions for tax year 2015. Forms 1094-C and 1095-C will be used by employers to report offers of health insurance coverage made to their full-time employees. The final forms did not include any major changes from the prior draft versions; however, the final instructions provide some clarification on reporting.
Nineteenth century business owners armed with manual typewriters created business documents that took time to type. Today, you can use modern computer programs, such as Microsoft Word, to help you create documents and manage your business. Many of Word’s most powerful formatting and processing tools may remain hidden until you discover where they are and learn how to use them.