The RAL is back! Really Awesome Learning.
November 05, 2019
A Virtual Learning Center Co-branded with your tax preparation company is now available! Your co-branded page is your own store, your own Learni...
The Ultimate Guide to QuickBooks Connect 2019 Mixers and Meetups
November 04, 2019
QuickBooks Connect 2019 is here and we have your ultimate guide to all the mixers, meetups and parties! Check it out:
Tuesday November 5
Right Netw...
Prepárese para los impuestos: planifique hoy para presentar su declaracion de impuestos de 2019
November 04, 2019
WASHINGTON - El Servicio de Impuestos Internos les exhortó a los contribuyentes que tomen medidas ahora para evitar sorpresas cuando...
Get Ready for Taxes: Get ready today to file 2019 federal income tax returns
November 04, 2019
WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service today urged taxpayers to act now to avoid a tax-time surprise and ensure smooth processing o...
5 Tips for Obtaining Testimonials that Build Trust and Attract New Clients
November 04, 2019
Customer testimonials on your website and positive online reviews of your accounting business can be a powerful way to showcase your capabilities ...
Trip to the first ATAX and Loyalty Brands conference
October 31, 2019
On October 23 rd Alberto Contreras and Niki Young from Latino Tax Pro (LTP) landed in Norfolk Virginia, got their bags and called an UBER to drive them to the first ATAX and Loyalty Brands conference. Alberto and Niki were greeted at the hotel lobby by yearlong colleagues, friends, and clients.
uTax Software se ha asociado con Latino Tax Pro
October 30, 2019
uTax Software se ha asociado con Latino Tax Pro para ser su principal proveedor de educación tributaria para los cientos de clientes directos de ...
Loyalty Brands, ATAX y Latino Tax Pro se unen
October 30, 2019
En un movimiento sin precedentes, Loyalty Brands, ATAX y Latino Tax Professionals (LTP) se han asociado para crear un sistema educativo y de capac...
TaxSlayer Pro Partners with Latino Tax Professionals to Provide Tax Education to Tax Preparers
October 30, 2019
AUGUSTA, GA – TaxSlayer Pro, award-winning professional tax preparation software company, and Latino Tax Professionals (LTP), the only English an...
RightWay Tax Solutions incrementa su valor y se asocia con Latino Tax Professionals.
October 30, 2019
Lodi, CA – RightWay Tax Solutions (RWTS), el grupo de adquisición más grande de la industria tributaria, y Latino Tax Professionals (LTP), el ún...
RightWay Tax Solutions Increases Value and partners with Latino Tax Professionals
October 30, 2019
Lodi, CA – RightWay Tax Solutions (RWTS), largest buying group in the tax industry, and Latino Tax Professionals (LTP), the only English and Span...
uTax Software has teamed up with Latino Tax Pro
October 29, 2019
John Colver, CEO of uTax Software said, “One area that uTax would like to focus and expand our offering is in the area of Tax Education, especially web-based Federal and State Do-It-Yourself courses. We decided that Latino Tax Pro would be a great partner because their turn-key solutions will allow us to market the education solutions under our uTax banner and also offer that opportunity to the other VARs we service.”
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